Back in '98-00, I wrote a column called "The Resume Dolphin" for an online newspaper.
At that time, one of my "keys" was to always invite questions as part of the column.
Some of the questions I received would inspire column topics -- and hopefully provided some assistance in the process.
Since this blog is about job search as a whole, I would enjoy the opportunity to provide assistance in posts that respond to your question. Resumes, Interviewing, Job Search, etc. - Whatever concerns you may have!
Plus, I figure your questions are going to be of more value here than to simply have a blog where I always pick the topic! The idea behind "Job Search Dolphin" is to be a free, helpful source of good and useful job search information.
So, what could I be of help with in your job search? What questions would you like to see answered?
Write me at jobsearchdolphin@yahoo.com
We're here to help, and happy to post what we hope will be helpful responses to the questions YOU NEED to have answered.
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