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From the Waters....

Tampa, FL, United States
In the late 90's, I created "The Resume Dolphin" column for the online Morrock News Digest. Thus, "the dolphin" theme continues in a new era. I'm a Tampa Bay Based Career Advisor as well as a Recruiting and Career Services professional with over 10 years of experience. I have worked while in career services and recruiting/placement to assist people in improving their job search and their marketability! With experience in recruiting and placement for Technology, Engineering, Marketing, Advertising, Sales, Finance, Allied Health and HR, I've found out much about WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR. Knowing how employers view things can help job seekers make their searches much more effective! -This blog is a way to share that info! ...And, hopefully be of help to those "navigating the waters" of the job market!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Tales From the Resume Reef... No Objectives!

Employers choose candidates based on their own reasons, no matter what they may be.

Typical “resume” review the first time around is 15-30 seconds. So, you need to sell yourself on paper quickly and efficiently. During this time, the employer is thinking about “what can this person do for me?”

This means a resume should showcase skills, accomplishments and experience in a very clear and easy to read way. However, the process to do so is SIMPLE, and we’ll go over those steps in future tales from the reef.

The employer is NOT interested in “what can I do for this person?”

So, the “objective” is to have no objective.

To be honest, most of the ones I’ve read over the years were so poorly written, they actually took value from the resume:
  • “A chance to grow and be happy”
  • “A position where I can learn and grow”
  • “A growth-related opportunity in a position where I can use my skills”
  • “An opportunity to help your company grow.”

Take a serious look at the 4 objectives. Do they add ANYTHING?


They are generic “what I want statements.” However, employers want to see what you can OFFER as a candidate.

And it’s why objectives have NO value!

What you want DOES matter. And that’s what you can discuss as part of the interview. That’s the place where personality and energy and attitude can come forth. It’s where you and the employer get the chance to see what kind of “match” can exist based on personalities and situations and discussion.

Such has no place on a piece of paper whose sole purpose is to let the employer know the quantifiable skills, abilities, accomplishments and experience you bring to the table. That’s what a resume is for!

An objective won’t get you into an interview.

EVERY part of your resume needs to matter TO THE EMPLOYER.

Your objective doesn’t.

If you have one, delete it and use that space to increase a font size or add skills or accomplishments. If you haven’t put one in, please stop and resist the temptation to do so.

Per Adrian Monk, "You'll thank me later."

The Dolphin

1 comment:

Jen said...

I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your post! I agree with you 100%. Objectives are no longer necessary. Instead, the space should be used for a Summary of Qualifications where you can highlight things that you HAVE done that HAVE made a difference within your company, past or present. It is important to make them wonder what you could do for them and their company.

Thanks again for the post...I look forward to reading more in the future!