I've seen a number of resumes lately for technical positions my colleages and I are recruiting for; unfortunately, the vast majority of candidates were completely unqualified. One thing about technology - if people DON'T have what's needed, such can eliminate the candidate very quickly. The "I can learn" theory of doing things is not something that's applicable. Thus, such candidates were "set off" to the side.
Employers don't spend time endlessly reading unqualified resumes; it's a very short elimination process.Specifics matter, and their absence just takes up time to get through.
What's it mean to you? That you WON'T hear back from employers in such cases, and that such could be very frustrating. (After all, we've all applied for jobs we thought we were "right on target" for, and never heard a thing.)
Thus, it pays to be selective, smart and do yourself a favor. READ the job descriptions carefully and only apply if you have a majority of the key skills/abilities/experience that are being asked for.
At least that way, you guaranteee a better chance that your resume will be taken more seriously - and potentially lead to call backs or emails of interest. Plus, such can lower your frustration. If you send your resume "everywhere," you'll hear from mostly no one and feel like your efforts are fruitless. Truth is, they are just too scattered.
You aren't scattered; you have talent and experience to offer. Go after those jobs that match what YOU can do.
You Are Visitor #:
From the Waters....
- Greg Lachs and the Job Search Dolphin
- Tampa, FL, United States
- In the late 90's, I created "The Resume Dolphin" column for the online Morrock News Digest. Thus, "the dolphin" theme continues in a new era. I'm a Tampa Bay Based Career Advisor as well as a Recruiting and Career Services professional with over 10 years of experience. I have worked while in career services and recruiting/placement to assist people in improving their job search and their marketability! With experience in recruiting and placement for Technology, Engineering, Marketing, Advertising, Sales, Finance, Allied Health and HR, I've found out much about WHAT EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR. Knowing how employers view things can help job seekers make their searches much more effective! -This blog is a way to share that info! ...And, hopefully be of help to those "navigating the waters" of the job market!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Tales from the Resume Reef: Doublecheck that Content!
True stories abound from recruiters and employers alike. When they've reviewed resumes, they haven't seen the key "needed" skills, experience and education. So, they don't call the candidate.
Invariably, some candidates follow up (and good for them!) and speak to the hiring authority. What they are told is something like "well, we didn't see any Oracle experience" on your resume. What people have sometimes responded with is "Oh, I have that" or something similar. However, the problem is that the information wasn't on the resume.
You gotta have the content.
If you do your own resume, take an extra step. Have someone you know and respect review your resume and "interview you" to find out if you've included EVERY important piece of information. That person can ask you questions like "Is there anything else you've done?" for each job you've had, and can go through your skills section and ask the same. And can also proofread your document.
Here's the reason why. When we write, we tend to "see" things. No, not UFOs, but words or letters we EXPECT to be there because we wrote them. That's why spellcheck picks up a missing "the" or "and" - the words AREN'T really there - we just thought we put them in!
Having an "extra" set of eyes to proofread your resume and to quiz you on content can only help. Such can make certain that you have the "right content" and key information in your resume to market yourself.
After all, why not?
Invariably, some candidates follow up (and good for them!) and speak to the hiring authority. What they are told is something like "well, we didn't see any Oracle experience" on your resume. What people have sometimes responded with is "Oh, I have that" or something similar. However, the problem is that the information wasn't on the resume.
You gotta have the content.
If you do your own resume, take an extra step. Have someone you know and respect review your resume and "interview you" to find out if you've included EVERY important piece of information. That person can ask you questions like "Is there anything else you've done?" for each job you've had, and can go through your skills section and ask the same. And can also proofread your document.
Here's the reason why. When we write, we tend to "see" things. No, not UFOs, but words or letters we EXPECT to be there because we wrote them. That's why spellcheck picks up a missing "the" or "and" - the words AREN'T really there - we just thought we put them in!
Having an "extra" set of eyes to proofread your resume and to quiz you on content can only help. Such can make certain that you have the "right content" and key information in your resume to market yourself.
After all, why not?
Monday, May 12, 2008
Tales from the Resume Reef: Contractual Obligations
Lately, I've seen some resumes where a candidate has worked for less than a year at several employers.
As a recruiter, I try to read further, and can usually discern that the person was working on contracts or consulting. If I speak to the candidate, he/she usually confirms my suspicion.
However, not all recruiters nor employers "dig" that deeply when they see a lot of short employment stints.
It tends to make them wonder about work histories when they may not have to.
If you have worked temporarily or contractually or as a consultant, showcase that:
3/07 to 9/07 CONTRACT Network Administrator, The Zorch Group, Bristol CT
3/07 to 9/07 Network Administrator (Consultant,) The Zorch Group, Bristol CT
3/07 to 9/07 Network Administrator (Temporary Position,) The Zorch Group, Bristol CT
In that way, you've made clear what short-term employment really was, and makes employers quickly understand why you had such.
Truth is, most of us have done contract, temporary or consulting work at some time; it's common and normally not of any concern to employers looking for full time employees. And, if they ARE looking for something more "temporary," they will see that you have already done such.
Just "clarify" your work history!
It's just a matter of making things EASY for the employer, which is always a good thing for you!
As a recruiter, I try to read further, and can usually discern that the person was working on contracts or consulting. If I speak to the candidate, he/she usually confirms my suspicion.
However, not all recruiters nor employers "dig" that deeply when they see a lot of short employment stints.
It tends to make them wonder about work histories when they may not have to.
If you have worked temporarily or contractually or as a consultant, showcase that:
3/07 to 9/07 CONTRACT Network Administrator, The Zorch Group, Bristol CT
3/07 to 9/07 Network Administrator (Consultant,) The Zorch Group, Bristol CT
3/07 to 9/07 Network Administrator (Temporary Position,) The Zorch Group, Bristol CT
In that way, you've made clear what short-term employment really was, and makes employers quickly understand why you had such.
Truth is, most of us have done contract, temporary or consulting work at some time; it's common and normally not of any concern to employers looking for full time employees. And, if they ARE looking for something more "temporary," they will see that you have already done such.
Just "clarify" your work history!
It's just a matter of making things EASY for the employer, which is always a good thing for you!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Email Lesson Learned the Hard Way
A few years back, I aggressively put my email address on any site of ANY kind that was of interest, whether for job search or my digital photography hobby or social networking.
The result? Well, within a couple of years I was getting over 50 SPAM emails per day. No matter how much filtering I did through Outlook or Thunderbird, such junk still got through. With such a large amount of spam each day, I was "under siege." Not to mention that I had to filter through all the garbage to find the occasionally relevant email or note from a friend.
Thus, I had to change my main email address - and did so. Next, I realized that I should not post my email address at every opportunity. Then, I made certain that ANY posting of my email address would be with my YAHOO email address. As it turns out, Yahoo has great SPAM filters; I'd imagine such other free email as Hotmail or Gmail do as well. So, the Spam levels to my HOME email address went to next to nothing.
Here's the lesson, then: If you are going to post your resume on the job boards, you are going to get spam.
Lots of it.
Keep your personal email "safe." Create a special email account from one of the free providers, such as Yahoo, Gmail or Hotmail and use THAT for your job search. And post that email address on your resume as well.
That way, you'll have control over SPAM, and it won't get so "close to home."
And you can still make certain legit employers have an electronic way to reach out to you!
The result? Well, within a couple of years I was getting over 50 SPAM emails per day. No matter how much filtering I did through Outlook or Thunderbird, such junk still got through. With such a large amount of spam each day, I was "under siege." Not to mention that I had to filter through all the garbage to find the occasionally relevant email or note from a friend.
Thus, I had to change my main email address - and did so. Next, I realized that I should not post my email address at every opportunity. Then, I made certain that ANY posting of my email address would be with my YAHOO email address. As it turns out, Yahoo has great SPAM filters; I'd imagine such other free email as Hotmail or Gmail do as well. So, the Spam levels to my HOME email address went to next to nothing.
Here's the lesson, then: If you are going to post your resume on the job boards, you are going to get spam.
Lots of it.
Keep your personal email "safe." Create a special email account from one of the free providers, such as Yahoo, Gmail or Hotmail and use THAT for your job search. And post that email address on your resume as well.
That way, you'll have control over SPAM, and it won't get so "close to home."
And you can still make certain legit employers have an electronic way to reach out to you!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Getting Back on the Bike

Earlier this week, I purchased a used bike for exercise purposes. When I “test rode” it, that was the first time I’d ridden a bike in about 7 years. And I was a little nervous.
Fortunately, everything came back to me pretty quickly, and I enjoyed the experience. I was able to shift gears and handle the brakes as if I’d been still doing the same thing over and over. Kind of like I’d never been “away” from it.
Looking for a job in a challenging economy can be a lot like getting on the bike each day. It seems like a new task, it’s challenging, and there are no real guarantees. Sometimes progress is slow and we wonder how much of that is us. And when things will change. What about losing balance?
However, just getting “on the bike” each day is a major thing. By putting effort into your search, you may not be guaranteeing success; however, you are making much stronger strides toward achieving it. By being willing to get on that bicycle and ride through interviews, phone calls and internet searches, you are pushing up hills that may be steep at times but are likely to flatten out. By steering past bad jobs and bad experiences and pedaling forward, you can keep yourself actively engaged.
If you are ready to move in your career search, no matter the reason, keep in mind that no one “stands still fast.”
Your willingness to make the effort each day is what can make the difference.
Just get back on the bike. It’s worth the ride.
And it’s all under your “pedal” power that you can grow forward.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tales from the Resume Reef: Focus on Content, not Style

As someone with extensive recruiting experience, I can tell you that I have received resumes in ALL varieties of formats and paper choices over the decade. Ironically, the fanciest of paper and the most "creative" design usually were showcasing the worst resumes: typos, lack of information, lack of clarity, dates missing from employment, etc.
For resumes, substance ALWAYS triumphs over style. In the 30 seconds or so a hiring authority or recruiter looks at your resume, he/she is looking to see if you qualify for something that's currently open.
Things that employers DON'T say-
"Terrible resume, but look at how nice this paper is. I'll call him."
"Man, she spent a ton of time designing this. I have no idea what her skills are, but might as well call her to find out."
While it's admirable to want to have your resume looking sharp, what's more important is what's IN the resume.
In the past, for example, I've worked with placing graphic designers. They managed to use their creative abilities to mix their work history, skills and experience in with some graphic work: freehand sketches or some layout in the margins. However, they kept focus on CONTENT: the INFORMATION the employer needs to see to get to know you!
So, no matter how nice the paper or the layout, your CONTENT is what will drive employers to make positive decisions regarding your qualifications.
Plus, we EMAIL resumes in most cases for “first contact” with employers. That fancy paper or design means even less, then, doesn’t it?
Use your talents to put a resume together that clearly discusses your skills, education and experience. THEN, if you want to add nicer paper for print copy, you are showcasing CONTENT first.
And as far as “creative” design, my suggestion is to leave that to the graphic designers. Use examples we’ve provided or good advice on resumes you can find at helpful sites like the following:
The Riley Guide -
Secrets of the Job Hunt -
Let the content be what ‘sells’ you; it’s what employers are looking for in your resume.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Catches from the Job Posting Net: Are they really ALWAYS looking?

We’ve all seen ads, mostly, where a company or staffing firm seems to recruit for the same positions week after week.
Are there more and more new opportunities, or is something else going on?
Truthfully, it’s usually “something else going on.”
1. The job is VERY hard to fill due to a limited Candidate Pool. There’s just a limited talent pool for this, such as in fields like IT or medical. Chances are, if your resume is on the job boards and you qualify for a position like this, you’ve already been contacted.
2. The job is OFTEN open because there is some turnover. This is particularly true of call centers. Even the best call center environments have a fair amount of turnover. For ANY call center, I’d suggest speaking to someone who works there before you’d interview – find out if the turnover is natural or there are problems that are worse/deeper than that.
3. The job is ALWAYS open because there’s a real problem; employers can’t keep people. I’ve seen this very recently with one firm that keeps advertising the same entry level position: it’s possible that they could have up to 3 people in the role at once. However, they advertise about every 2 weeks for this same opportunity.
Thus, the employer can’t “keep” people. My guess, from experience in dealing with employers who say such, is that this is the attitude there: “We can’t find anyone good.”
Truth is that they do, but they are chased away! It’s a bad work environment with broken promises and unrealistic expectations. And this is well worth avoiding, or you’ll be the next person that they complain about.
Note that #3 above is the MOST common reason that employers keep advertising; there’s a BAD work environment to consider.
It’s in your best interests to look carefully at any job that’s posted “over and over again.”
And if you can talk to someone who works there, get the “skinny” as to why those jobs are open.
If you don’t have that opportunity and do interview for one of these jobs that’s “always advertising,” be certain to ask this key interview question: “Why is this job open?”
Warning sign is if the employer is negative about employees or the person or people you are being asked to replace.
No company can grow to the point where all they do is hire. Growing firms may add a lot of people, but if they are well or at least decently run, they’re going to keep a fair number of those they hire.
So, if someone is “always advertising” be aware that it’s not growth, and, in fact, may be a warning sign. A sign to avoid the job!
After all, you deserve better than to walk into someone else’s failures!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Job Search Tips: Older Board Postings

If you are hunting through Monster, Careerbuilder, Dice, etc., you are probably checking regularly for the newest postings in your field. Certainly, that makes sense!
However, MOST jobs are posted once and not given “refreshed dates” – it’s an extra cost to keep something as a “new” job each day. Most employers don’t pay for this. So, what does that mean?
That there are “older” jobs that may still be valid. Monster, Careerbuilder and Dice, etc., normally post jobs for 30 days, possibly more. What about that job that’s 3 weeks old?
True, sometimes those “older” jobs are filled, and the poster just never got to taking it offline. However, in with those “older” jobs are those in your field that are unfilled! Whether an agency or direct hiring employer posted that job, they are still waiting for someone – and it could be you.
Guess what? Most people just pass those older postings by, figuring that the jobs are filled, and they AREN’T! It's an opportunity for you!
Thus, when you are searching online through the boards, don’t always default to just the newest jobs. Choose the option that lets you go back 30 days and see if there are any good jobs you may have missed.
It only takes a couple of seconds to apply for one of these jobs; you may just be one of the few who does.
And one of the even fewer who may hear back from the employer!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Job Search Tip: Stay in Touch!

We've all come close!
Most of us have had good or even great interviews, or introductory discussions, that led us to have interest in a job or company that DIDN'T result in a job offer.
In some cases, through multiple interviews or calls, we've built rapport with hiring types. While we weren't chosen, clearly we were viable, "almosts" who created a positive impression.
SO, what do many people do with those contacts? Nothing.
That's a mistake. Too many times, we think something like "they didn't hire me, so I guess that's it." And that's both a critical error and a loss of resources, too.
Sometimes when we are that "close" 2nd or 3rd, we've sold ourselves very well as candidates. Had there been 2 openings instead of one, we would have been the choice for that 2nd opportunity. Thus, these people are WORTH staying in touch with - you made a very positive impression!
Here's how these folks can be of help:
Resource - they can direct you to OTHERS they know who are hiring.
Friendly Voice - if you are making a lot of call on the job search, you can make some calls to people who you already know. It takes stress away.
Network - they can (and it's happened to me) forward your resume to others who may help.
Employer - the job you didn't get 6 months ago may be opening again soon. You were "runner up." Don't you think that they want to know someone of your quality still has interest?
(All of these situations have happened either to me or people I know, so I know it works!)
Keep track of the folks you've interviewed or spoken well with. People who you liked - who liked you! It's an important part of your network going forward. And stay in touch with those folks as part of your job search. I've mixed between email updates and phone calls so that I can NOT be a pest, but still be persistent.
After all, the folks who know us, even a little bit, will have more stake in helping than a total stranger or the cold efficiency of a job board.
In our search, it's important to use all the tools we can. And to work with ANYONE who may be able to provide us with help in the process.
Like those who know us.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Job Search Tip: Another Reason to Avoid Objectives
We've covered why objectives don't work on resumes, why they aren't needed, and how they can cause trouble for you as a candidate. To "bring that home," I include 2 very recent objectives I've seen on resumes sent for professional positions:
A job that is satisfying at the end of the day, for both of us. To grow and be happy.
Both have enough fluff, don't they? They are trite, silly, weak, and add NOTHING to the candidate's marketability!
(It's kind of like that long party scene in the 2nd Matrix movie: why was it there?)
If the answer is to fill space, that's not something that belongs on your resume. For there are no "rules" as to how much space must be filled. And wasted space (like that movie scene,) just loses the reader's interest.
Remember that employers hire for THEIR reasons, not yours, in this "what have you done for me lately" world we now live in.
That's why objectives on a resume don't ADD anything: you aren't selling specifics and positives. Instead, people write more "polished" versions of the 2 examples above. In the process, they just "polish," not clean up or repair this resume issue. That's what objectives are: simple, useless junk that doesn't belong no mater how much polish is added.
Use your skills, education and experience to sell yourself to employers.
Avoid the junk, and let the good "stuff" speak for itself.
Objectives just get in the way.
A job that is satisfying at the end of the day, for both of us. To grow and be happy.
Both have enough fluff, don't they? They are trite, silly, weak, and add NOTHING to the candidate's marketability!
(It's kind of like that long party scene in the 2nd Matrix movie: why was it there?)
If the answer is to fill space, that's not something that belongs on your resume. For there are no "rules" as to how much space must be filled. And wasted space (like that movie scene,) just loses the reader's interest.
Remember that employers hire for THEIR reasons, not yours, in this "what have you done for me lately" world we now live in.
That's why objectives on a resume don't ADD anything: you aren't selling specifics and positives. Instead, people write more "polished" versions of the 2 examples above. In the process, they just "polish," not clean up or repair this resume issue. That's what objectives are: simple, useless junk that doesn't belong no mater how much polish is added.
Use your skills, education and experience to sell yourself to employers.
Avoid the junk, and let the good "stuff" speak for itself.
Objectives just get in the way.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Don't Walk Right In...
When I first started in my staffing work in '97, I was amazed at the number of people who showed up unnanounced at our firm for professional positions. Moreover, most (99%) were candidates who were poorly dressed, poorly groomed, had typo filled resumes or had no idea what we did. In 4 years, we had over 400 walk ins: only ONE was "placeable," and we did so.
So, we discouraged walk ins based on this kind of information. We felt that they were wasting OUR time. Had they called in advance, we could have told them what we were recruiting for, gotten them to send a resume, and set up appointments for viable candidates. Everyone could have benefitted that way.
Some recruiters encourage walk-ins, but many prefer that you set appointments. It helps schedule THEIR day, and makes it easier to spend more time with you.
Employers RARELY have time for walk-ins; the first thing they'll do is give someone an application and that's about as far as things go. Frequently, those applications also make it to the "bottom of the pile."
Being aggressive makes sense in your job search, as does contacting employers.
However, unless told otherwise by the employer, don't just "walk in."
Instead, FIRST call the employer or recruiter. Find out if they have jobs for what you are qualified for, and find out what the best method is for applying. Some folks may send you to their website as a start to fill out an app, while others may want you to make an appointment.
If you get an appointment, make certain to find out what the employer or recruiter would like you to bring:
-ID (usually 2 forms)
-Other things (such as copies of diplomas, certificates or awards.)
(And "Dress for Success," too. Even if you are going to a temporary agency just to "sign up.") You never get that second chance to make a first impression!
Remember that being convenient for the one HIRING is crucial.
You deserve the chance to showcase your abilities and talent; just call ahead to find out the best way to do so!
So, we discouraged walk ins based on this kind of information. We felt that they were wasting OUR time. Had they called in advance, we could have told them what we were recruiting for, gotten them to send a resume, and set up appointments for viable candidates. Everyone could have benefitted that way.
Some recruiters encourage walk-ins, but many prefer that you set appointments. It helps schedule THEIR day, and makes it easier to spend more time with you.
Employers RARELY have time for walk-ins; the first thing they'll do is give someone an application and that's about as far as things go. Frequently, those applications also make it to the "bottom of the pile."
Being aggressive makes sense in your job search, as does contacting employers.
However, unless told otherwise by the employer, don't just "walk in."
Instead, FIRST call the employer or recruiter. Find out if they have jobs for what you are qualified for, and find out what the best method is for applying. Some folks may send you to their website as a start to fill out an app, while others may want you to make an appointment.
If you get an appointment, make certain to find out what the employer or recruiter would like you to bring:
-ID (usually 2 forms)
-Other things (such as copies of diplomas, certificates or awards.)
(And "Dress for Success," too. Even if you are going to a temporary agency just to "sign up.") You never get that second chance to make a first impression!
Remember that being convenient for the one HIRING is crucial.
You deserve the chance to showcase your abilities and talent; just call ahead to find out the best way to do so!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tales from the Resume Reef: Fill in the Recent Blanks

My car is a 2004. While I’m very happy with it, I could hardly claim it as a “new vehicle.” Put it on a lot with 2008 models, ask people to spot which are “new cars” and mine won’t quite make the list. In “Car years,” 2004 may not be a lifetime ago, but on a resume, if it’s your most recent date of employment/activity, that’s an issue.
If you haven’t worked or worked in your field in at least 2 years, you need to put SOMETHING for your most recent activity. Why? Employers who see a resume with a work history ending in 2004 and nothing since are puzzled, and then they tend to ignore the applicant.
(Please note that this is NOT about re-entering the workforce, and the difficulties you may run into. That’s a whole other issue. Instead, this is about the resume you are using to do so.)
Some brief points:
• If your most recent job isn’t “related” to your field, DON’T remove it completely if it fills in some key time.
Work History
2004-2007 Greeer/Customer Service Big Mart Austin, TX
1995-2004 AV Technician Al Wright’s Repairs Austin, TX
1990-1994 AV Technician McFloyd’s Zeke, AZ
This way, people see that you have been working, even if not in your field. Otherwise, the question becomes “What has this person done since 2004?”
• If you were in school, use that as a replacement for “blank time.”
Work History
2004-present Studies toward B.S. in Chemistry Don Haas College
1995-2004 AV Technician Al Wright’s Repairs Austin, TX
1990-1994 AV Technician McFloyd’s Zeke, AZ
• If you had a family-related issue, use that.
Work History
2004-present Stay at home parent
1995-2004 AV Technician Al Wright’s Repairs Austin, TX
1990-1994 AV Technician McFloyd’s Zeke, AZ
Now, we’ve previously discussed not giving out personal information; however, we’ve got that “what happened after 2004” issue otherwise. Employers are likely to respect a decision to be a stay at home parent; however, they will not be certain what to do with someone who looks to have done “nothing” since 2004:
Work History
1995-2004 AV Technician Al Wright’s Repairs Austin, TX
1990-1994 AV Technician McFloyd’s Zeke, AZ
Note: Volunteer work can also be a valued “time filler.”
Very few people who have several recent years of inactivity on their resume were really inactive. However, if your resume reads that way, it doesn’t give the employer anything to go on more than “I wonder what he/she’s done since …..” And then set the resume on the road to oblivion, less gently known as a shredder or trash can!
You deserve better! Fill in the blanks!
Employers see a more complete you, and you become a more "complete" candidate!
Friday, April 11, 2008
From the Job Search Tip File: When NOT to Apply.

In an earlier column, we discussed the “50% rule,” which was hopefully a simple way to say the following. Most jobs have MANY more requirements than are ACTUALLY needed. Therefore, if you have “50%” or more of the requirements, your application or resume is not in vain. It very well may be that your 50% is JUST what the employer was looking for!
However, there’s a part 2 to this: When NOT to apply.
In many ways, it’s more than just a reverse of the “50% rule.” With the “50% rule,” if your resume isn’t quite what someone is looking for, he or she is still likely to hold on to it for future reference. You are, essentially, a good candidate for something in the future – and folks don’t get rid of good resumes (especially if they’ve spent $300-$800 advertising the position online or in the papers – or both!)
However, there are times NOT to apply. Simply, if you don’t have at least 50% of the required skills, abilities or background required.
Here’s why NOT to send your resume or hit the “apply” button on Monster:
1. Employers get 300+ resumes for any good position, and they very much resent having to read resumes from “unqualified” candidates.
2. Thus, you are not only wasting an employer’s time.
3. They won’t read your resume at length, nor will they want to keep it.
4. Instead, they’ll wonder “Why did this person apply?”
5. You are also guaranteeing, for the most part, that your resume is shredded, trashed or filed in some part of oblivion no one regularly visits.
6. And that you’ll never hear back from the employer. If you follow up with them, you’ll find it’s likely they have NO IDEA who you are.
So, you are essentially frustrating the employer as well as yourself. Doesn’t seem like there’s much “up side” to this!
However you search, however you apply, keep in mind that your qualifications are only valuable to a specific employer if they are in that 50%+ range for the advertised position.
Sending a bunch of resumes out or applying for ANYTHING that’s of interest truly wastes your time. Instead, find what you qualify for or who may have interest in what you have to offer. That, and only that, is the best place to send your resume.
Trust me, there are plenty enough of those places if you do the research.
And can get you the best results possible, which WON’T happen if you simply send your resume around as if you were tossing snowballs into the air or leaves across the lawn before you raked.
Rake in a better chance of success. Send your best in a resume to those jobs you have at least 50% of what is required.
Something SMART ventured; hopefully, something GREAT gained!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Tales from the Resume Reef: The Format, Part III: Making your Resume Easy to Read

Let your resume be there to HELP you, not HINDER an employer!
A resume can’t help you if it’s more of an ineptly written novel or poorly designed puzzle than a tool to help employers find what you have to offer.
A reader will initially look at your resume for 15-30 seconds. So, it’s very important that your KEY skills and accomplishments are easy to find, easy to discern and quick to discover. Thus, your resume needs to be easy to read:
1. Fonts sized decently
2. Spacing clear
3. No “puzzle tricks”
4. No “paragraph-itis”
5. Gimmick free
Each of the above is explained in more detail below. It’s the chance for you to position YOUR resume more effectively, by helping the reader more easily find out good things about you – and also by weeding out some “junk!”
1. Fonts Sized Decently: Use fonts from 10-12 point as much as possible.
Smaller than 10 point may be hard for a reader to make out, and larger than 12 point makes it look like you are just trying to fill space.
>If you have the room, you can certainly use a larger font for your name and contact information at the top of your resume; however, that’s really the only place for an overlarge font.
2. Spacing Clear: “Clear spacing means separation BETWEEN elements of your resume, and BOLD in places. Note the following examples:
8/2000-4/2003 Assistant Manager Billfolds Etc., Granbury NJ
8/2000 – 4/2003 Assistant Manager Billfolds, Etc. Granbury, NJ
The second one is easier to read, isn’t it? Everything is not “on top of each other.”
3. No “puzzle tricks:” Also known as “Acronym Fever”
Ever see a list on a resume that looks something like this?
Technical Experience
MS Office, HTML, Windows 98, C#, C++, Lotus Notes, Firefox, Linux, Windows NT, 2002, ASP.NET, Open Office, Networking, Active Directory, MS Project,
MS Workflow, Peachtree, A+, Network+, Routers, Hard Drives, Laptops, MCSE
It’s a whole “crowd” of names, acronyms and tools all put together into one puzzle. If someone wanted to know if this person had Peachtree experience, how easy would that be to find? It’s a “puzzle trick” which puts the onus on the reader.
Take a look at this alternative:
Technical Experience
OS: Windows 98, NT, 2002, Linux
Office Software: MS Office, Workflow, Project, Peachtree, Open Office
Internet/Email: Firefox, Lotus Notes
Networking: Active Directory, Routers
Hardware: Hard Drives
Development: C#, C++, ASP.NET
Certifications: MCSE, Network+, A+
Computers: Laptops
Notice how much more easily information is to find under this “org chart.”
Plus, if an employer was most interested in your certifications, you could easily move that line to the top!
4. No “Paragraph-itis” It’s a common resume problem. Instead of writing short, bulleted statements, people want to write “novellas” about their experience.” It’s VERY time consuming and most employers don’t read their way through.
See the following example:
Working with the ACCUGUESS Global Vice President and the ACCUGUESS South America Coordinator of Finance to develop and implement a business controllership plan encompassing business and financial controls, business and control focused financial reporting and analysis, process and systems development and improvement, and productivity initiatives. Leads all controls activities for ACCUGUESS South America $245 Million business. The role works with all functions and across all ACCUGUESS South America regions to improve strengthen internal controls in support of Moogle-Zorch requirementsments and in compliance with Mootleson, Ambrose and Florb policies and procedures. Responsible for driving financial/accounting process improvements to advance controllership, drive productivity and eliminate rework and manual efforts. Identify control issues, assess risk, and implement solutions by working in a teaming relationship with ACCUGUESS management, as well as ACS management. Direct accounting staff to ensure financial controllership responsibilities and processes are compliant, and consistent with Mootleson, Ambrose and Florb policy, applicable laws and regulations. Assist/Direct regional controllers by improving core processes, reducing complexity and increasing accountability. Monitor and improve internal control processes, support Four Sigma initiatives and provide financial process support. Interface with internal and external auditors. Provide guidance to management on appropriate tax, legal and accounting treatment in all regions. Work with the ACS Controller and ACCUGUESS Global Controller to provide central point of contact for ACCUGUESS regional controllers for review of application of technical accounting for transactions in the areas of restructuring and repositioning, asset impairment reviews including Asset Retirement Obligations, revenue recognition matters, purchase accounting, divestiture accounting, investment accounting, foreign exchange and other areas as warranted. Establish ACCUGUESS South America policies and practices consistent with ACS and Corporate policies. Perform Balance Sheet reviews. Coach and develop staff for growth opportunities. Work with a team of individuals located in geographically diverse locations. Support the integration of acquisitions including working with ACS Controller to review all ACCUGUESS purchase accounting related issues. Responsible for ACCUGUESS repositioning process. This includes working with regional controllers and operations staff to ensure appropriate documentation is created to propose potential restructuring projects. Ownership over Restructuring (Repositioning) support website and ongoing monitoring of reserves recorded.
It’s quite long, isn’t it? Hard to find out what’s important when there are no breaks of any kind. So, let’s try creating 6-8 bulleted items, trim a bit and see how this looks:
• Working with the ACCUGUESS Global Vice President and the ACCUGUESS South America Coordinator of Finance to develop and implement a business controllership plan encompassing business and financial controls, business and control focused financial reporting and analysis, process and systems development and improvement, and productivity initiatives.
• Leads all controls activities for ACCUGUESS South America $245 Million business. The role works with all functions and across all ACCUGUESS South America regions to improve strengthen internal controls in support of Moogle-Zorch requirementsments and in compliance with Mootleson, Ambrose and Florb policies and procedures.
• Responsible for driving financial/accounting process improvements to advance controllership, drive productivity and eliminate rework and manual efforts. accountability. Monitor and improve internal control processes, support Four Sigma initiatives and provide financial process support. Interface with internal and external auditors.
• Provide guidance to management on appropriate tax, legal and accounting treatment in all regions. Work with the ACS Controller and ACCUGUESS Global Controller to provide central point of contact for ACCUGUESS regional controllers.
• Establish ACCUGUESS South America policies and practices consistent with ACS and Corporate policies. Perform Balance Sheet reviews. Coach and develop staff for growth opportunities.
• Responsible for ACCUGUESS repositioning process. This includes working with regional controllers and operations staff to ensure appropriate documentation is created to propose potential restructuring projects. Ownership over Restructuring (Repositioning) support website and ongoing monitoring of reserves recorded.
Much easier to read, isn’t it? Keeping the bullets to 3 sentences or less makes the statement that this is “short and important.” Remember, you don’t have to tell EVERYTHING – include what’s IMPORTANT and edit out the rest!
5. Gimmick Free – There are some things that simply aren’t needed on a resume, but folks put them there anyway.
• “References Available Upon Request”
NOTE: It’s REDUNDANT, as no one puts “No References Are EVER Available” on a resume.
• Personal Information.
NOTE: No one can ask you your age, religion, marital status, etc. So, put NO SUCH information on your resume. I’ve seen resumes where people have put birthdate, name of spouse and kids and wedding dates – and I’m not making that up!
• Junk Phrases such as “Hard Working, Team Player, Well Organized, Dedicated….”
NOTE: Those are “Junk Phrases” because they are YOUR opinion. Only through your references could someone perhaps find out about your best qualities. It’s very hollow boasting and means NOTHING. More importantly, employers have seen these types of phrases and wording so much on a resume that they don’t take them seriously.
Sometimes, it’s what you DON’T have in your resume that matters more. And by avoiding these “readability” traps and following our suggestions, you have a better chance to have a resume that’s reader friendly and easy to navigate.
Remember that every time you make things easier for an employer, you give yourself a better chance.
So, why not?
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Phone Tuning: Leave that Name and Number Twice!

Leaving a voicemail message? Here’s a tip I learned in sales training years ago: put your name AND phone number in TWICE!
• Near the beginning of the message
• Near the end of the message
“This is Greg Lachs at 813-555-1212. I really enjoyed meeting with you on Tuesday and am very interested in joining your team. I’d very much like to find out what the next step is in the process. Again, Greg Lachs at 813-555-1212. Thanks.”
Why put both in twice?
Here’s the reason, and it’s simple: people can’t HEAR fast.
So, at the end of the message, they know you’ve called and may have written your number down or have it available. However, if they don’t have such, they only have to listen to the BEGINNING of the message to get the name and number again.
Such makes it EASIER for someone to get back to you!
And that’s always a good thing!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Job Search Tips: Lessons from the Movies

Don’t be the next Dewey Cox!
Like a much smaller number of people than expected, I went to see the "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story" when it came out several months ago.
Heavily promoted, decently reviewed, with backing of known talent, the movie BOMBED. Much money was lost on this, to the surprise of MANY. It lasted about 3 weeks in the theatres and went to that great “it’s not yet a movie you can get at Netflix” oblivion very quickly.
And it ties in very directly to job search issues - and provides important lessons.
1. The movie wasn’t particularly funny for a “supposed comedy.”
Jokes were sporadic, to my taste. In fact, when the first 10 minutes of the movie were put online for public view, I went to the site for a preview. It seemed like a LONG ten minutes.
The Job Search Lesson - Things NEED to be as advertised. Interviewing, you can't try to be funny, offbeat or a different person from who you are. For one thing, people notice. For another, you'll be very uncomfortable. Be energetic and upbeat, but you need to be YOU!
2. To follow this movie, you would have had to seen "Walk the Line." This movie was an attempt to parody much of "Walk the Line," which I thought was a pretty darn good flick. However, not everyone saw "Walk the Line." So, jokes tied to it would have made no sense to the audience who hadn't seen the Johnny Cash biopic where Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix had been so stellar.
The Job Search Lesson - Obscurity doesn't help. This is particularly true for resumes. One thing I've seen people do is go into what I'd call "acronym fever," and list a number of acronyms that someone reading the resume may not understand. In fact, I've seen such in a number of military resumes. Since the reader wasn't likely part of the same military unit, you need to "break down" acronyms into "every day" terminology.
3. The lead actor wasn't a "name" actor.
I'm not knocking the lead's talent, but who lines up to see a John C. Reilly flick? He was great in Chicago and in Talladega Nights as a SUPPORTING actor.
We often gravitate to that film with Will Smith, Will Ferrell (who would have been my choice for this movie) or Jack Nicholson - we know they are likely to be entertaining films.
The Job Search Lesson - You need to be a "name," and not just blend in. How? Well, from a stellar resume to great interview skills to an aggressive and effective job search.
That's what differentiates you from others, and makes you a "marquee" candidate!
4. The lead character wasn't that interesting (and this is the most dangerous “job search area.”)
Dewey Cox was a mix of a number of people who added up to someone we probably didn't care about all that much. Not a bad guy, not a great guy – yet, there was no magnetism in the character the way we saw Johnny Cash's intensity or Ray Charles’ brilliance in "Ray." Not much depth. In the movie, by the time the much advertised “Dewey Cox meets the Beatles” scene took place, I was getting bored. As a result, the "what happens next to this character" thoughts we might have when watching a movie turned into "I don't really care much about what happens to Dewey Cox" for me. Hard to pay as much attention, isn't it?
The Job Search Lesson - We tend to "hide" behind generic resumes and don't always interview as well as we'd like. You HAVE to be interesting to the employer. However, you don't need to entertain in order to do this.
-Wear your best “professional” clothing.
-Arrive 15-20 minutes before the interview.
-Shake hands firmly, but not in “bonecrusher” fashion.
-Ask “open ended” questions about the job, company, training, etc.
-Let the interviewer speak! Don’t interrupt with your questions.
-Have great eye contact with the interviewer.
-Sit up straight and stand up tall.
-Show interest and pay attention! If your eyes wander around the office, you will seem to be “drifting” out of the interview. I’ve noticed such in candidates before, and you need to stay focused on the interviewer.
“Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story” was not an awful movie, nor stellar. It just “didn’t have enough” to make it as either a “critical smash” that doesn’t make money but people love for years (think “Shawshank Redemption.”) And it wasn’t a smash at the box office.
It was just there, and not for long.
You have much more to offer. Use these lessons to strengthen your “box office potential” to get great “reviews” from interviewers and top the charts by getting the position you are looking for!
(and special thanks to Melanie Lachs for her editorial genius!)
dewey cox,
job search,
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Phone Tuning: When they Don’t Call Back

We’ve all been there: an interview, perhaps a second, and then it becomes silent and still. Employers don’t contact us, nor do they return calls.
I’ve often stated that this is simply unprofessional behavior on their part, which is not that rare.
In fact, I’ve even heard of situations where people will call back multiple times, days apart, and still hear nothing in return. In these cases either the contact person is “unavailable,” “in a meeting” or you are sent directly to voicemail.
As someone who was on a job search 4 months ago, I experienced such as well. Frustrated me no end, too!
In that quite rare instance where George Costanza was right about something, “It’s not you; it’s them!”
As important as it is to do phone call follow ups after interviews, here are some VERY important things to remember about such:
• Most employers DON’T operate this way; we just remember our “best” and WORST experiences more clearly.
• Someone not calling you back is NOT always a reflection of no interest; some people simply DON’T return phone calls. I’ve had contacts who I had to get “live” or I’d never get them at all. (As a backup, I’ll try to email them directly; that’s worked sometimes.)
• If folks aren’t getting back to you, that’s a reflection of THEIR unprofessionalism. • Don’t take it personally. Take it as a challenge to do better when you are in a hiring position to treat people with the respect and dignity they truly deserve.
• Most importantly is this: employers who do not returning your follow-ups are losing access to your talent, skills and abilities.
It’s truly their loss and not yours!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Job Search Tip Update: Those "Refreshing" Resumes

A friend of mine does just what I’ve done in the past re: posted resumes – updates them on the job boards each day!
I heard from her yesterday; an employer had called her based on her resume posting on Monster or Careerbuilder (I have forgotten which) and asked her if she had just posted her resume. Her response was that it had been on the job board, but that she updated it each day.
The employer’s response was very positive – the equivalent of saying “so, you’re trying to stay ahead of the others.” He was quite positive about that, and was very impressed with my friend’s self-marketing efforts. What resulted was a very positive initial phone interview for a position my friend has very much interest in.
Would she have gotten the same reaction if her resume’s last post date was 3 months ago?
It may be that she never would have been called!
If an employer can find good things about you in your resume, why not make it easy for him/her to find your resume on the job boards? REFRESH your resume several times a week for each job board you’ve posted on.
Of course, according to my friend, refreshing your resume EACH DAY on every job board isn’t such a bad idea, either.
And it's something that will take about 5 minutes of your time on a daily basis.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tales from the Resume Reef: The Format, Part II: Resume Length

Your resume needs to be CONCISE. SHORT, To the POINT. EASY TO READ!
That can mean different things to different folks; however, if your resume is 9 pages long, I can pretty fairly state from experience that it’s too long. However, the “resume must be one page” methodology of days gone by is not accurate, either. Thus, this column will try to help you find a “good” length that doesn’t short change your accomplishments, yet keeps the reader interested.
Keep in mind that the key is to keep the reader interested in what you have to offer. So, anything that “gets in the way” of such is NOT going to be of help! While there are no “definite” rules in this, let’s look at a list of “good ideas” based on what the employer may be looking for. Having worked with employers and candidates, I’ve worked with thousands of resumes over the last 20 years. Hopefully, the following will be helpful!
Good Idea #1 – Have your “best specifics” organized at the top/beginning of your resume:
Greg Lachs
1244 East West Street
Tampa, FL 33630
Staffing Sales, Career Services or Recruiting Opportunity.
Professional Summary
Experienced and Innovative Staffing Sales, Career Services and Recruiting Professional with a 10 year record of success.
Professional Highlights:
-Recruiting/Placement for Information Technology, Graphic/Web Design, Marketing, Sales, Engineering, Allied Health, HR, Finance, Administration, Clerical.
-Successful placements in Direct Hire, Contract and Contract to Hire and Internships.
-“Phone Warrior” – regularly and successfully making 100+ outbound sales calls per day.
-Led Gerard-Phillips through a 250% increase in gross billing between 1998 and 2000.
-Achieved placement records in Career Services for IT, Criminal Justice and Massage Therapy grads.
-Organized 3 largest on-campus career fairs in Remington College, Tampa Campus history.
-Developed new business relationships with Cox Target Media. Achieva Credit Union, Eckerd, Hillsboro Printing, FKQ Advertising, Pinch a Penny, Special Data Processing, among others.
-Business Development through Inside Sales Calls and Networking.
-Professional and Effective Sales Techniques: Sandler Sales Institute Graduate, 1998.
-Successful “Cold call” recruiting into businesses to build pool of Engineering Candidates.
-Strong internet research skills including search engines and cross referencing of professional organizations.
-Well versed in MS Office and ACT software.
-Dedicated and proven methods through Career Assistance to provide STRONG matches based on upgrading candidate resumes and interview skills.
-Active database of professional contacts going back to 1997/1998.
MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, Lotus Notes, Campus View, MS Publisher, MS Money, ACT
Note how this layout, from my December resume of 2007, makes it EASY for the reader to quickly see my qualifications. Put these highlights at the beginning.
• Recent college grad? Put your info on that EARLY in your resume.
• Have certifications or awards? Put that info EARLY in your resume.
• Want to list your education? Put that info either EARLY or at the END of your resume.
Good Idea #2 – Have your employment history in “reverse chronology.” (Most recent job first) with SHORT, bulleted items highlighting your accomplishments. Here’s what I had in my most recent resume:
5/06 – 11/30/07 Director of Career Services Remington College Tampa, FL
-Oversaw largest increase in placements for Criminal Justice & Massage Therapy in campus history.
-Inside sales (75-125 outbound calls per day) for student placement opportunities.
-Placement of students and graduates in Technology, Criminal Justice, Business and Allied Health.
-Responsible for placement of grads from all programs (approx 300 per year).
-Development and presentation of upgraded curriculum for Career Development.
-Organized and staged 3 largest on-campus career fairs (10/06, 4/07 and 9/07) in school’s history: 40+ employers per event.
-Created first comprehensive email list of students for distribution of job leads and tips.
-Conducted Workshops on Career Placement Skills: Interviewing, Resume Writing, Cover Letter Writing.
10/05 – 5/06 Staffing Specialist/Recruiter Amtran Services Tampa, FL
-Assisted in creation of start up staffing firm.
-Placement in IT, Graphics, Marketing/Sales.
-Provided ALL Placement services, from recruiting to sales to placement
-Inside sales (75-100 outbound calls per day.)
-Created initial policies, procedures and forms and bill rates for Contract and Direct Hire.
-Recruiting and placement for Contract and Direct Hire positions.
9/04 – 3/06 Career Services Consultant /(Independent Contractor for Career Envisions, Inc.)
-Regularly achieved 90%+ placement rate of eligible students for New Horizons, Tampa.
-Placed IT certification students in internship, full time and contract employment opportunities in Miami/Ft. Lauderdale for New Horizons, South Florida.
-Created and presented original "Career Services" training curriculum for soft skills training:
"Resume Writing," " Cover Letter Writing," "Interview Skills," "Job Search Skills" "Negotiation
Skills" for IT trainees attending New Horizons Computer Learning Centers.
-75-125 daily outbound sales calls for placement opportunities.
-Trained IT trainees in "soft skills" in Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville.
11/02 – 7/04 Recruiter/Inside Sales Staffing Firms Tampa Bay Area
-Recruiting/Placement for Information Technology, Graphic Design, Finance, Engineering, Drafting and Marketing.
-Inside Sales (75-125 outbound calls per day.)
-Achieved highest Billing in local branch history.
-Temporary, Temp to Hire and Direct Hire placements.
-Career counseling: resume writing assistance and interview preparation for applicants.
-Wrote job board advertisements for both Direct Hire and Temporary positions.
2/98 – Present Freelance Career Services Consultant Tampa, FL
-Provide resume writing and career placement assistance for individuals and small groups.
11/97 – 10/02 Kennard Communications of Florida (Company Closed 11/02) Tampa, FL
-(10/01 – 10/02) Assistant Marketing Coordinator
-Researched and developed local and national client base.
-100-125 outbound sales calls daily.
-Sold first annual contract for Engineering Job Board.
-Created and marketed pricing packages for job postings.
-Led company in sales volume for job board postings.
-Conducted resume writing workshops at career fairs and college campuses.
-Concepted engineering internet job board and wrote all website copy to submit to designers/developers.
-Recruited candidates through attendance of regional college job fairs/professional association meetings.
-(11/97 – 10/01) Staffing Manager - Gerard Phillips (staffing division of Kennard - closed 10/01)
-Recruiting/Placement for IT, Administrative, Clerical, Graphic Design, Finance, HR, Engineering,
Drafting and Marketing.
-Inside Sales (75-125 outbound calls per day.)
-Billed $800,000 in gross sales between 1998 and 2000.
-Successfully developed FIRST Pinellas County client base for Graphic Design and Marketing Placement.
-Set bill rates, policies and procedures for internal operations.
-Temporary, Temp to Hire and Direct Hire placements.
-Concepted company’s website and upgrade; wrote copy for site.
5/95 – 11/97 Coordinator, Hotline of Hillsborough
Crisis Center of Hillsborough County Tampa, FL
-Supervised all staff and volunteers for 24 hour, 7 day/week telephone crisis hotline.
-Co-coordinated 5 week training session and developed training materials for new counselors.
-Recruited, Interviewed and hired all staff.
B.A., English The Pennsylvania State University
Notice how this makes it EASY for the reader to quickly what I did where and when.
• Reverse chronology means someone doesn’t have to read YOUR ENTIRE RESUME so see what you have done most recently.
• Bulleted items are MUCH easier to read than paragraphs: it says “this is short, important and worth reading.” Paragraph descriptions are WORDY; thus, a very bad idea.
• Numbers, numbers, numbers! If you have any numbers re: how much you accomplished, or number of people supervised or daily activities or accomplishments, include that. QUANTIFICATION helps showcase your SPECIFIC successes!
Good Idea #3 – Don’t go too far in reverse! Most resumes that wind up being 8 or 9 pages happen for two reasons:
1. People describe work history/experience in paragraphs that are long and hard to read. We’ve covered that one, already.
2. They go back “too far” in reverse.
Unless you are applying for the highest level of Sr. Management, your career history need not go back more than 20 years. That’s it! What you did in 1985 might be interesting (I was a teacher at that time,) but it was 23 years ago. Moreover, what you can do NOW frequently has little to do with what you did 25 years ago in THIS WAY: you aren’t using the same techniques, tools, etc. In IT resumes, for example, I’ve seen people describe their mainframe work in 1967; however, we’re not using those same mainframes these days. Or, they may describe working with an early version of DOS that hasn’t been able to be on use on computers since 1986.
This is not an attempt to say that what you did “way back when” never has bearing.
However, there are 3 things to keep in mind re: your resume:
1. People want to know what you can do NOW: not what you could do during the Nixon Administration.
2. Age discrimination is real. You aren’t being dishonest in cutting the “ancient” from your resume: you are focusing on the relevant. That gives you a better chance to get in for the interview, where “live” you can make that positive impression no matter how much experience you may have! My resume, for example, has no mention of my radio work in the 80s; my last stint as a dj was in 1988. Could I walk into a radio station and offer my services as a dj and be taken seriously? Not based on that!
3. My resume, as yours should, focused on my skills and the experience I have that’s recent and relevant.
Good Idea #4 – Number resume pages, and put your contact information on EVERY page of your resume.
In this “paperless” world, folks print out resumes almost all the time. If they misplace a page from yours, how will they know it’s yours? Well, having page number and your contact information is certainly helpful.
Good Idea #5 – Be ready to cut, edit, delete if need be.
How long should a resume be? Well, no rules are consistent, and keep changing.
However, if your resume is 6, 7 or 8 pages long, in most cases, that’s just TOO long. Most professional resumes should be NO LONGER than 3 pages. An employer WILL read a 3 page resume if it’s organized as we’ve discussed, but not necessarily a 6 page verision.
It’s a Bad Idea to think you need to include “everything.” That’s how resumes get to be overlong. And it’s a time you may need to show your effort to a friend, colleague or a professional resume writer to get yours to a reasonable length.
Good Rule of Thumb: For each job description, have no more than 6-8 bulleted items and keep each item NO LONGER than 2-3 lines. Such can save you space!
The key issue in resume length is NOT what you want to tell an employer; it’s what you can get that person to read. Hope that these tips will help you get your resume to a “reader friendly” length.
And that you can find more help in your job search at Greg Lachs’ Job Search Dolphin blog!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Phone Tuning, Part 2 - Messages from Work

Here’s a voicemail message many leave at work:
“I’m either on the phone or away from my desk.”
Wow! Isn’t that helpful?
Other reasons the person COULD have been unavailable....
• The person was busy fighting a rampaging killer aardvark in the office.
• The person was practicing pogo stick climbing of the Eiffel Tower.
• The person was playing catch with live alligators.
• The person was eating paint.
• The person was fighting off Lex Luthor and kryptonite at the same time.
Truly, it’s nice to know that this person is safe and either on the phone or simply away from that desk, isn’t it?
“I’m either on the phone or away from my desk” is trite.
And fairly meaningless.
It’s the equivalent of saying “I can’t take your call because I can’t take your call.”
“I don’t feel like answering the phone right now, so leave a message.”
Not quite the message we might want to give to a colleague, client, or potential employer! And, we can do better!
Employers may call us at work; it’s important to be not just professional, but also to use common sense as well. Therefore, if your voicemail has the phrase “I’m either on the phone or away from my desk,” change the trite phrase to something else:
• “This is Randi Zorch. I’m sorry I missed your call. Please leave a message and I’ll return it as soon as possible.”
• “Mike Florb, here. Please leave a message at the beep with your name and number. I’ll call you back.”
• “This is Zeke Flibbo. I’d like to return your call, so please leave your message at the tone.”
• “This is Ed Cell. Please leave a message at the tone, or, if you need to reach me right away, please try my cell at 813-555-1212.”
Any of the 4 above is still short, to the point, and avoid the useless phrase of “being on the phone or away from my desk.” After all, we kind of figure you AREN’T available if you aren’t answering the call. So, why remind us?
A more professional message on your voicemail at work can ALWAYS be helpful.
And, as you can see, it’s not hard to do.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Tales from the Resume Reef: The Format, Part I: Overview

Simple facts about what your resume needs to be:
• Concise
• Easy to read
• Easy to follow
• Flexible
• Accomplishment Based
• Absent of Useless Extras
We will go over EACH of the above topics in its’ very own article right here on the Job Search Dolphin. The goal, I hope, is to give the reader a very clear idea of what works in a resume and why – and what DOESN’T.
Here are some quick thoughts to ponder about each of these topics.
• Your resume needs to be CONCISE
If your resume is 7 pages, I can pretty much guarantee that it’s too long. Readers are looking for quick information: not a script for the next Spiderman movie! However, the “resume must be one page” methodology of days gone by is not accurate, either. We’re going to help you find a “good” length that doesn’t short change your accomplishments, yet keeps the reader interested.
• Your resume needs to be EASY TO READ
If you’ve bunched ALL of your technical skills together, you may have created an eye chart. No one reads an “eye chart” for fun! Long, detailed descriptions of your past work history shouldn’t be paragraphs waiting to be part of the next 800 page novel, either. Simply, we’ll show you how to showcase your best skills and work history in a way that helps a reader more easily find out the good things about you.
• Your resume needs to be EASY TO FOLLOW
If you have the “functional resume,” we’re going to try and convince you to “toss” it. Simply put, the reader isn’t going to know how what you did where. Further, most won’t guess in your favor. We’ll help you show a clear path that makes sense to the reader: that’s the key, after all!
• Your resume needs to be FLEXIBLE
We’re not discussing “flexible facts” where one could make up accomplishments depending on the job description. Let’s leave that to Jon Lovitz’ classic character Tommy Flanagan, who was rather “creative” with facts the way many politicians can be. Instead, we’ll go over how you can MOVE what is important to different places based on the jobs you apply for.
• Your resume needs to be ACCOMPLISHMENT BASED
If most of your resume is a history of job descriptions, you are selling yourself very short.
How MUCH did you increase sales? How MANY people did you supervise? By WHAT percent did you help increase production? We’ll show you how numbers/quantification can help you sell yourself! Give yourself the awards for success you’ve earned!
• Your resume needs to be ABSENT OF USELESS EXTRAS
If you are wondering how this Greg Lachs person is going to help you with your resume, you may wonder if you have enough space for all you have done. Well, there’s more room than you think if you get rid of such classic and completely wasteful “extras” such as “References Available Upon Request.” Instead, we’ll show you key things you DON’T NEED; they are like that pile of newspapers by the fireplace – something taking up space and generating no heat or interest.
And we are hopeful that in giving you each of these steps in detail, we can help you make certain your resume does you all the favors it can. Each person can offer much; sometimes the resume gets in the way rather than helps. When you consider that 90% of resumes are ignored or set aside for future disposal by employers, keep in mind that getting into the 10% pile isn’t that complicated.
Product counts, and we hope we can give you enough tips and guidelines so that your resume is a product of the finest variety! Just like you!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Job Search Tip from the Dolphin: Avoid Revolving Door “Opportunities”

In Tampa, there was a call center who advertised each week for employees both in the local papers and online. Many applied and many were hired. However, there was a reason this employer kept advertising: they couldn’t keep anyone!
As someone who worked in both Career Services and Recruiting, I spoke with a number of ex employees of this call center. One story clearly showed me why people either quit or were being let go with great frequency: a student of mine told me that she was let go for not being logged onto her computer on time; the reason she wasn’t logged on was that her computer was having problems and she was working with technical support to get things corrected.
So, while she was doing the right and only thing she could (it’s kind of hard to log onto a machine that’s not working!) she got in trouble for not being logged in.
For this employer, I heard many similar stories. And for years, they were regularly recruiting for the same positions. Management wouldn’t change their approach, so employees couldn’t stay very long!
You may see an employer who is frequently advertising one or more of the same positions on a regular basis. However, most of the employers doing so aren’t growing.
It’s a “revolving door opportunity.” Next person hired is likely the next to either quit or be fired. Thus, it’s good for you to avoid these situations.
Most of the time, it’s a result of the way the company or organization is run, and here are some frequent examples of a “revolving door” situation:
• People are asked to do too much.
• Training is incomplete.
• Management is focused on strict and impractical guidelines.
• Rules change for no reason.
• Environment is not comfortable.
• Managers are not qualified and way too vocal.
• Most importantly, employees simply aren’t valued!
Ironically, these companies have hiring authorities who say “we can’t get good people” when the truth is quite the opposite. Good people have no reason to stay, or are let go. And supervisors and managers will be the first to “slam” former employees for “shortcomings.” While the truth is that virtually no one could succeed.
If you are set up to fail, it’s kind of hard to do otherwise!
Further, this is not just for “entry level” positions. I’ve seen mid to senior level positions advertised over and over by the same firm for jobs that SHOULDN’T be hard to fill.
If someone is advertising “all the time,” see if they are a growing firm. If not, you are looking at a “revolving door” that will continue to be such. It’s not a healthy place for your work environment. STAY AWAY!
You deserve a better work situation, and a diligent search can help you find one!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
"Fin Tuning" - References

Not long ago, I was working with a candidate who provided me with several professional references right before an interview I’d set up with a client. While I was able to reach two people and get very positive and detailed feedback, 3 other references never returned calls. Having 2 good references was helpful, but most folks are looking for at least 1-3 more.
Had the employer hired my candidate, my guess is that they would have done their own background check. And that they’d “reach out” to those references again.
Of course, if the folks being called don’t return those calls, it SLOWS DOWN the hiring process. I’ve had experiences in staffing where I could not place a candidate until references got back to me, so the candidate had to wait.
Since most professional employers want 3-5 professional references, it’s very important to make certain of the following:
1. That you have current and complete contact information for your references:
• Employers get easily frustrated with disconnected phone numbers, wrong numbers or email “bouncebacks.”
• Check with your references to make certain all your information is STILL current!
2. That your references know that phone calls may be coming:
• This is ESPECIALLY true if you haven’t communicated with references for awhile.
• Plus, it keeps your references “alert” as to why calls are coming in, and the need to answer and/or return those calls.
3. And, if you have just had a job interview, you may want to “refresh” your references memories with a simple call such as this –
“It’s Diane. Just interviewed with Zorch for the Controller Position and it went very well. Steve Jackson from Zorch is likely to call you. I appreciate your willingness to be a reference for me. Thanks”
(If you are interviewing a lot, you probably don’t have to remind folks EACH time!)
Give your past colleagues or supervisors the chance to brag about the good things you offer!
Your references can certainly be of great help as long as you make certain that they are easily reachable!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
“Take this Ride and Love It”

A couple of nights ago while buying groceries, I was speaking to the young woman who was at the cash register. She spoke energetically about being on Spring Break from the University of South Florida, and how she had to start studying later in the week. I asked her “how far along” she was in her studies; her response was that she was a “sophomore again” as she had changed majors twice. Turns out she started in English and now was in the accounting field, and was very eager to get into her studies. She found that the job opportunities in English right out of school were not all that plentiful in comparison to the accounting arena. A very bright and personable student, she’s likely to do well; certainly her attitude could not have been more positive!
Amazing to me was that her story was pretty much an exact reverse of mine!
A lifetime ago, when I started at Penn State, I entered accounting for the simple reason that there were jobs in that field. However, I had been very mediocre at math throughout secondary school; a “B” was a cause for celebration, and a C was more par for the course.
In my first calculus class at Penn State, I got my one and only D as an undergrad; in the next level calculus class, my grade was solidly in the “F range” when I came to a realization. It was the “wrong fit.” Thus, I changed majors twice, to Broadcasting and eventually to English, and graduated with a B.A. And jobs in the English arena were not plentiful in an early ’80s recession for a new grad. In the next 16 years I accumulated experience in the following: radio dj, teaching, administrative support, editor, volunteer coordinator, outside sales, facility management and the running of a 24 hour crisis hotline.
All during that time, I kept wondering “where I was supposed to be” in my career path.
I was VERY frustrated by such, and kept wondering if I was a failure.
Only in ’97, did I get into recruiting/staffing, and eventually Career Services. And discovered that in those two arenas I was to find opportunities that would fit my skills and interests in a way I didn’t know possible. Plus, all of those earlier work experiences helped me in dealing with the wide range of people I’d try and help who were in the job hunt.
We never know exactly how we are going to “get there.”
And, we never know WHEN that can be.
The worst thing I did was put “timetables” on myself for where I thought I should be.
“By this time, I should…” was my line of thinking. It was tied to nothing more concrete than hope and imagination. Further, each time that didn’t work out, I got angrier at myself for “falling short.”
Some folks find a career path easily and move to it quickly.
Many of us don’t.
At nearly 50, I’ve finally learned that it’s ok, too.
• Each of us is so different from any other one that we cannot be successful if we compare ourselves to others.
• Each of us learns differently; what looks great at first (for me, teaching) may turn out to be the wrong path for many reasons.
• Each of us will learn things we think we’ll never use, and find them incredibly valuable at some unexpected time.
• Each of us has skills, talents and abilities that are in need: it just may take some time to find where that is.
For me, I tended to order mine a bit wrongly and ignore some truths about who I was. Once I got past some of that, I was able to find a career path that was rewarding, challenging, and worth looking forward to.
We all have things to offer.
Sometimes, it just takes awhile to find out the what, where, when and how.
And that if you aren’t “there now,” you are likely on the journey.
It took me until nearly 40 years on this earth to “get there.”
And it’s different for each of us.
That’s the cool thing, though: since we’re all different, we can each offer something unique and special.
Whether it’s right after school or 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 years later!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
From the Search Tip File: Refreshing Resumes

If you post on the job boards, here's something to keep in mind: keep your resume "fresh."
With most boards, you can renew, refresh or edit your resume: doing so UPDATES your posting date to make it current.
You can do this every couple of days.
And it CAN be very helpful:
1. Your resume is one of the FIRST that is pulled up in your professional category or by matching keywords. They may not have to "go back" as far to find candidates.
2. Employers see that you are likely still looking; that's good for them to know.
Having used the boards as a recruiter, I know can pull up resumes not only by keywords, categories or location, but I can also choose HOW RECENTLY the resumes are posted. The more CURRENT, the BETTER.
Everyone looks at that a little differently; however, if your resume has been posted six months ago and never updated, most people tend to figure that you have found something and that you forgot to remove your resume. Plus, I've found that these "older" resumes don't always have current contact information. So, I am a little more reluctant to call candidates I may not be able to reach.
So, I may not even try!
And if you are STILL looking, why not let potential employers know such?
-In Monster, you can go to the resume section and simply choose "renew."
-In Careerbuilder, you can make a minor edit to your resume. Here's what I do: I keep my current salary accurate, and then drop it by $100. That "updates" in Careerbuilder. The next time I "go in" I just bring my salary back to what it is.
And so forth...
I'd up the ante by suggesting you do this 3-4 times per week, as a common default in job boards is "resumes w/in last 3 days." This way, you'll always be in that section!
Recruiters, whether working directly for a company or for a staffing/recruiting firm are only going to look at "so many resumes." Thus, they are less likely to go back 3 months or six months or more to find candidates, unless the needs are especially specific and the "pool" of candidates is very minimal.
Since most of us aren't in that situation, you can make it easier for them to find you ahead of many others if you refresh your resume on a frequent basis.
Little time involved. Potentially much upside. Enough suggested!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Tales from the Resume Reef: Roll Credits, Logically

I'm one of those folks who is often still sitting at the end of a movie eager to see the final credits. In the quick scene by the waterfall, was the actor with the gun who I thought it was? Was the song that followed the big argument the one I thought David Bowie originally recorded? Where DID they film it?
Maybe you do the same thing.
At the movie's end, we see lists of ALL participants. It's niftily broken up into categories, too. Special Effects folks don't appear in the music credits, nor does the list of costumers show up in the list of actors and characters that usually starts the whole thing. That could be confusing.
Even more confusing? A title such as "People Who Were Involved in Making this Film" and nothing more than a list of all the names in no specific order. No titles or credits.
Who'd want to stay for that? How could anyone follow a random list and make sense of it?
Instead, the credits are "rolled logically."
So, the question then, is why do some folks put their "credits" in their resumes in a random "see if you can figure out where THIS is" fashion? I've seen a lot of this in technical resumes, but not just there. Of course, you need to have "keywords" that speak of your skills, accomplishments and abilities. However, bunching them together in no particular order does you no favors; it just confuses the reader.
If the person reading your resume can't follow it, he or she will miss things or simply skip over them. It's not hard to avoid this, though!
Organize and divide - quite simple!
Not this:
Technical Skills
Java, Javascript, Open Office , HTML, MS Access, Unix, Photoshop, MS Word, Dreamweaver, Windows Vista
Technical Skills
Web: HTML, Java, Javascript, Dreamweaver
OS: Unix, Windows Vista
Graphics: Photoshop
Office Tools: Open Office, MS Access, MS Word
Not this:
Outside Sales, Marketing via Flyers, Staff Development, Web Design, 300% Increase in Billings from 2003-2007, Appointment Setting, Workshops, President's Club Member 2003-2007, Opened New Office in 2005, Achieved 150% of quota 2006, 2007.
Sales: Outside Sales, 250% Increase in Billings from 2003-2006, Achieved 150% of quota 2006, 2007, President's Club Member 2003-2007
Marketing: Flyers, Web Design
Staff/Leadership: Staff Development, Opened New Office in 2005
Notice how in EACH case, the 2nd "version" of each is easier to read. Each is divided into categories that are simple and easy to follow.
And that's the point. If your "credits" are easy for the reader to get through, it's more likely he/she will see more clearly the best that you have to offer. What you then have is logical, simple and "reader friendly."
Help your resume give you the credit you are due! By organizing your skills and accomplishments, rather than bunching them together, you stand a much better chance of keeping your audience's attention.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Avoid The 90% Pile

Other folks have pointed out that adjusting your resume based on the job posting can be helpful. Truer words there are not.
The same is true for cover letters. Recently, I received a resume and cover letter in response to a job posting for a software engineer. However, the cover letter specifically focused on the person's Quality Assurance background and interest in a Quality Assurance position. I didn't have one of those.
One could almost say that the "job posting" world has a generic feel to it. It's impersonal, and many of the jobs we see look very much the same.
However, the person who reads YOUR information is an individual, which makes it personal. Thus, it's important that your resume and cover letter don't wind up in the "90% pile."
While not everyone reads cover letters, many folks do. If you send your cover letter, you are trying to make a positive impression, right? There's no reason for the following 2 errors:
1. Leaving old contact information from a previous letter
2. Not updating the job title you are applying for to make it the CORRECT one
Not correcting the 2 errors above says the following:
"I'm applying for your job along with MANY others, so it doesn't matter that much if you pay attention."
As job postings can result in HUNDREDS of responses, you simply give the person evaluating your effort a chance to put your resume in the 90% pile. That's the pile of resumes most recruiters and employers get that they have no use for or cannot use. And those are the resumes that will wind up being set aside or put into obscure files.
It's the OTHER 10% that get another review, and from those come choices for initial interviews. So, it's where YOU want to be!
In your cover letter, be specific about contact information and job titles for EACH job you apply for. That way, you let the reader know that you are focused on him/her:
there's a better chance that your resume and cover letter get to the 10% pile if you are qualified for the opportunity!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Be Ready for the Unexpected Good Stuff...

The picture here is one of my personal favorites: something I was able to "stumble" across while taking pictures in Ft. DeSoto Park back in 2002. While strolling along the fishing pier with my digital camera, I looked up and found these two feathered folk on a lamppost. Quickly, I changed the setting to "B&W" and snapped several shots. And this is the one that seemed to turn out best.
In 7+ years of amateur, self-taught digital photography, I've come up with some pictures I really enjoy. Yet, this particular one is among those I have the greatest fondness for.
It's simple - I was ready for the "unexpected good stuff." Ft. Desoto is a park that is often ranked among America's Top Beaches. So, I went with charged camera, extra batteries, and a willingness to use up the entire memory stick.
The job search process is similar. One never knows where an opportunity may come up, from whom or when. We need to be ready.
1. Keep your resume current.
Years ago, I worked with someone who did nothing but contract work related to Defense Contract Management. He said he updated his resume AS SOON as he got a new job. That's not bad advice!
2. Keep your resume available: I keep copies in my "job search only" Yahoo email account - so I can access my documents from anywhere. Or, keep your Flash drive with you.
3. Stay in touch with your contacts.
4. Find ways to expand your "network" of contacts.
5. Communicate FREQUENTLY with your contacts.
I've sent out a "blast" email about each two weeks to my contacts:
a. With a different subject line each time. It's more likely someone will read that.
b. With something different in the text each time. Just 2 or 3 sentences updating my search. If it's TOO LONG, it becomes a chore for the reader - and you lose that person's interest.
-This is good way to remind folks you are looking, get their suggestions/feedback, and to thank them.
I just had a second interview with the XYZ Company. Any feedback on them is appreciated. Thanks for your help in my search!
Not only will these help you be ready for the "unexpected good stuff" that may come your way, but also will your constant "contacts" with your network help increase the possibility that such things can take place.
In your job search, prepare for the unexpected. The more ready you are, the better your chances will be.
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