Leaving a voicemail message? Here’s a tip I learned in sales training years ago: put your name AND phone number in TWICE!
• Near the beginning of the message
• Near the end of the message
“This is Greg Lachs at 813-555-1212. I really enjoyed meeting with you on Tuesday and am very interested in joining your team. I’d very much like to find out what the next step is in the process. Again, Greg Lachs at 813-555-1212. Thanks.”
Why put both in twice?
Here’s the reason, and it’s simple: people can’t HEAR fast.
So, at the end of the message, they know you’ve called and may have written your number down or have it available. However, if they don’t have such, they only have to listen to the BEGINNING of the message to get the name and number again.
Such makes it EASIER for someone to get back to you!
And that’s always a good thing!
1 comment:
Canon T1i Says: "Good Post - Very Useful Information. Thanks a lot."
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