We’ve all been there: an interview, perhaps a second, and then it becomes silent and still. Employers don’t contact us, nor do they return calls.
I’ve often stated that this is simply unprofessional behavior on their part, which is not that rare.
In fact, I’ve even heard of situations where people will call back multiple times, days apart, and still hear nothing in return. In these cases either the contact person is “unavailable,” “in a meeting” or you are sent directly to voicemail.
As someone who was on a job search 4 months ago, I experienced such as well. Frustrated me no end, too!
In that quite rare instance where George Costanza was right about something, “It’s not you; it’s them!”
As important as it is to do phone call follow ups after interviews, here are some VERY important things to remember about such:
• Most employers DON’T operate this way; we just remember our “best” and WORST experiences more clearly.
• Someone not calling you back is NOT always a reflection of no interest; some people simply DON’T return phone calls. I’ve had contacts who I had to get “live” or I’d never get them at all. (As a backup, I’ll try to email them directly; that’s worked sometimes.)
• If folks aren’t getting back to you, that’s a reflection of THEIR unprofessionalism. • Don’t take it personally. Take it as a challenge to do better when you are in a hiring position to treat people with the respect and dignity they truly deserve.
• Most importantly is this: employers who do not returning your follow-ups are losing access to your talent, skills and abilities.
It’s truly their loss and not yours!
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